Jamus Jerome Lim

Workers’ Party

Support Definition of Man-Woman Marriage

Protect Policies From LGBTQ+ Ideology

Support Freedom of Religion & Conscience

Never Attended Pink Dot

Spoke About Harms of LGBTQ+ Ideology

2024: Asked whether MOH will provide and subsidise gender reassignment surgery

To ask the Minister for Health (a) what were the specific reasons behind the cessation of gender confirmation surgery in public hospitals in 2014; and (b) whether the Ministry has any plans to reinstate the provision and subsidy of gender confirmation surgery in public hospitals, similar to the arrangement prior to 2000.


2024: Attended Pink Dot

WP MPs Jamus Lim, He Ting Ru and Louis Chua appeared at the event.


Score Before Pink Dot 2024

Support Definition of Man-Woman Marriage

Protect Policies From LGBTQ+ Ideology

Support Freedom of Religion & Conscience

Never Attended Pink Dot

Spoke About Harms of LGBTQ+ Ideology

2022: Attended Pink Dot

Some will know that my colleague and fellow Sengkang GRC Member of Parliament Assoc Prof Jamus Lim attended a Pink Dot rally this past June in his personal capacity. As shared in a media release for Pink Dot 14, “We are living in an increasingly divided world. The ability to reach across the spaces between us, for dialogue and co-created understanding, is what will keep us safe.”


Among the attendees was Lim, who attended in his personal capacity.

The MP for Sengkang took a photo with someone named Albert Chua (cellculture on Instagram).

The caption read, “And with the WP MP. Thank you for supporting!”


2023: Said the repeal of Section 377A was “almost a no-brainer”

As a policymaker, the repeal was almost a no-brainer. I am against discrimination in all forms, and the law was discriminatory. Opponents had concerns about what repeal could mean for society, but a prospective fear can’t possibly trump an actual one. They pointed to how the law, while on the books, wasn’t being enforced. But that’s silly; even though it wasn’t, there’s a cloud that hangs over those in such relationships. It also makes a mockery of the rule of law to have laws that we say don’t matter

So while we can justify including marriage as an institution, the definition of what marriage entails should adjust to contemporary norms. That’s why we can’t hard-code marriage as male-female within it.


2022: Acknowledged concerns of a slippery slope

In the many letters written to me by the residents of Sengkang, those that have expressed their concern over the repeal of 377A have, almost uniformly, cited their reservation over how such a repeal would open the floodgates to revisions to the traditionalist interpretation of marriage.  

This concern has not only been limited to those who are more religiously inclined. I have spoken to residents who would otherwise hold no strong views on 377A, nevertheless underscore their wish that the heterosexual definition of marriage be, somehow, protected.


2022: Section 377A is an insult

But an untenable status quo, however entrenched, does not imply that all is well under the surface. For those who keenly feel the yoke of discrimination, suggesting that we should keep things the way that they have always been – simply because that is how it has always been – is more than simply benign neglect. It is an insult to their plight, to the burden that they have been bearing, perhaps silently, until now. It is like telling a prisoner that their desire for freedom is an attempt to stir up unrest while they are in jail.


2022: Likened LGBTQ identities to race

As recently as the 1960s, interracial relationships were limited in some form in as many as 31 US states, as it was in Nazi Germany and apartheid South Africa. While I am not equating the two, my point is that my own relationship as well as that of my parents – which occurred between two different ethnicities – would have fallen afoul of the law…

Think of the symbolism behind what a law, any law, implies. Suppose, for a moment, there was a law prohibiting relationships between individuals of different races, and further suppose that a similar legal precedent and political compromise exists, in that those who are in such a miscegenated relationship are assured that they will never be prosecuted.


2022: Suggested that same-sex attraction could be innate biologically-led behaviour

The usual retort to such scenarios is that it is contrived; humans are not animals and, after all, we can always exercise self-restraint. Some argue that because same-sex attraction is ultimately psychological, it can be overturned, with intervention and counselling. Perhaps. But I am not here to question the natural biological order which I respect. After all, it is a physiological reality that asexual reproduction among mammals is impossible. And hence, the male-female pairing is necessary to ensure the continuation of these species. Even so, for certain individuals, such attractions are deeply embedded in what may be regarded as innate biologically-led behaviour.


2022: Supported the constitutional amendment

It is for this reason that I do not see a decision to alter the Constitution as essentially a compromise for merely the sake of political expediency, necessary for the repeal of 377A. Rather, it is the manner by which the state will echo what society, as a whole, believes in.


2021: Asked MOE to enforce gender pronoun usage in class

To ask the Minister for Education whether there are any plans by the Ministry to systematically compile preferred gender pronouns for students, subject to the consent of parents, and to ensure that teachers respect such pronoun usage in class.


2021: Yale NUS College not a hotbed for far-left thinking

The college itself has also, in the past, featured in the news for having a class on dissent (led by local playwright Alfian Sa’at) ignominiously cancelled. Incidents like this led some to believe that the uni was a hotbed for dissident, far-left thinking…

I think some of the resistance to a liberal arts education as either useless or inherently left-leaning is misplaced.
